Our Services
On an individual and systemic level, our services are designed to meet the physical, therapeutic, and relational needs of our community most vulnerable children and families.

Our Services
On an individual and systemic level, our services are designed to meet the physical, therapeutic, and relational needs of our community most vulnerable children and families.

Foster Family Resources

Foster Families
Find practical resources to fit your family's needs.
Connect with us to learn more about the resource links listed below.
Department of Family and Children Services
Trust-Based Relational Intervention®
Christian Alliance for Orphans: Foster Resources
Fostering Together: Online Training
Creating a Family: Foster/Kinship Resources
The Forgotten Initiative: Podcast
Creating a Family by Jockey: Training
by Madeline Levine, Phd
Are you a local kinship family?
"Grandparent Connection supports grandparents, legal guardians or kinship placements so that their homes are stable and nurturing for the children in their care. Our staff support healthy development and address issues that may arise from past childhood experiences. Services include monthly support groups, mental health consultations, tutoring for children who are below grade level, home visitation when needed and community referrals." - Coastal Coalition for Children
CONTACT: Kemso Moore (kemsonk@cc4children.org)
Are you a foster family in need of a Care Community?
Check out this video to learn more about our Care Community Program.
REQUEST A CARE COMMUNITY: caroline@hope1312co.org
Are you a foster family in need of continuing education?
Check out our continuing education page to utilize all of the local and state resources. Sign up for our Caregiver Newsletter and never miss a seasonal webinar or in-person simulcasted training hosted by one of our partner churches.
Grandparents raising Grandchildren:
Check out the resources created by Retire Guide® by clicking on the link below.
New Placement Template for Child in Care
Use this template each time a child comes in care. One Template per child. Upon placement, copy the “New Placement” section into an email and fill it out. At the end of each month, reply to all on the original email sent, and provide an update using the “Monthly Update” template. This keeps all parties on the same page and keeps a running document for reference.